Who is responsible?

Currently, the Governance team consists of Ilo as the product lead and Luke as the engineering lead. We hope to grow this team to a size of around 6 full-time members coupled with a strong community of volunteers and enthusiasts.

How you can participate

Attending open calls

Once we have the prototype live on testnet, we aim to organise weekly open calls for members to come in and learn/talk/discuss all there is to Denom governance. If you haven’t already filled out our intake form, please do so here: https://join.thedenom.org

Participate on testnet

We will need a wide variety of early testers to make sure our prototypes get better, both from a technical as well as a from a ‘user experience’ point of view. If you’re interested, please fill out our intake form and we’ll get back to you when the opportunity presents itself.

Become an early contributor — Denom Pioneer

Denom development is an open process, and we invite you to take an active roll in it. Early contributors will get a look behind the scenes and receive additional perks in exchange for helping us shape the best possible governance experience we can dream of!
Please visit the Denom Pioneers Program to learn more and apply today!

Technical documentation

Technical docs will be made public as we roll out our prototypes. If you are interested in helping us prototype, please reach out to us!