This guide aims to provide a seamless framework for anyone joining the Denom Pioneers Program to contribute effectively.
Utilize the Discord Forum to create and monitor epochs and initiatives.
Contributions are recognized and rewarded through the Coordinape platform by allocating GIVE points.
We encourage everyone to participate, regardless of the scale of the contribution, as even the smallest effort counts towards shaping the future of Cooperative Denom.
Discord Forum
Discord Forum is the key platform for discovering opportunities to contribute as a Denom Pioneer.
Step 1: Check the pioneer-epochs forum to find goals you can actively contribute to within the current epoch or propose a new epoch for missions that have not yet been initiated.
Step 2: Explore the pioneer-initiatives forum to create initiatives, collaborate on ongoing projects, or engage in open discussions.
Step 3: Watch the explainer video below or read through the written documentation.
1. Pioneer Epoch Forum
This is the first forum to visit for creating new epochs or taking up initiatives that align with the goals of the current epochs.
Share the theme, mission, goals, timeline, and responsible Pioneers for each Epoch.
Once you have explored initiatives from the Discord Forums, use Coordinape to assess the contributions of Pioneers.
Pioneers assign GIVE points to each other to track their contributions over time.
More Contributions = More GIVE = More Respect
Watch the video below and read through the written documentation
1. Join Cooperative Denom Org
Visit this link to join Cooperative Denom Org and connect with the Ethereum wallet you provided in the Pioneer form.
2. Set Up Coordinape Profile
Edit your profile on the Profile page to fill out your information.
3. Submit Your Contribution
Whenever you make a contribution, post it on the Contribution page.
If you make contributions to the current Epoch, post it as the Epoch Statement by clicking on your profile on the GIVE page.
4. Assign GIVE Points
Allocate GIVE points to Pioneers who contribute to the current Epoch on GIVE page, whether by initiating new initiatives or collaborating on existing ones.
It is highly recommended to distribute GIVE points, even if you are not actively involved in any initiatives, as giving out GIVE points is also considered a valuable contribution.
Check this forum for guidelines on allocating GIVE points.
Additional Information
Besides the essential steps mentioned above, there are other Discord channels where important information is shared.
Additionally, Coordinape also offers other features to help track the contributions made by Denom Pioneers.
1. Pioneer News Channel
In this channel, all the important updates regarding the Denom Pioneers Program are announced.
2. Pioneer Docs Forum
This forum is Denom Pioneers’ go-to place for all the useful resources and guidance.
3. Activity
On the Activity page, you can view the timeline of previous epochs and contributions in chronological order.
4. Epochs
The Epochs page displays both past and ongoing epochs, providing information on the GIVE points allocation, personal notes, and epoch statements.
5. Map
On the Map page, you can observe the GIVE allocation map.
The orange pulsating line represents members who allocated their GIVE points to others, while the green pulsating line indicates the source of allocated GIVE points.
The size of the line corresponds to the amount of GIVE points allocated.