First Phase: Permissioned Direct Democracy

In this phase, we test out basic democratic voting functions using two new sub-modules: the Membership sub-module and the Democratic Governance sub-module. We also test how they interact with the Cosmos SDK’s standard gov module. At this point, there is no way for new users to join in an unpermissioned autonomous way and new members need to be voted in through Democratic Governance.

Second Phase: Autonomous Direct Democracy - Capped

In this phase, we open up membership permissionlessly through DiD solutions. We place caps on the amount of new members to ensure the safety of the protocol.

Third Phase: Democratic Republic - Capped

In this phase, we add additional sub-modules and grow the democracy into a representative system where the General Membership now elects a body of Senators. We introduce permissionless committees and allow them to request funding from the Senate. We also include functions to limit Senate hegemony such as petitions and call-to-reform.

Fourth Phase: Open Democratic Republic

In this final phase, we open up membership applications completely.