This is a work-in-progress and will be updated regularly as we find and develop the solutions we need.


Becoming a member

A small body of people will be genesis members. For testnet, these will be core team members and early volunteers from the community. If you would like to volunteer, please reach out to us.
New members can be approved through governance vote.

Your profile

Members will be able to edit their profile and pick a username, provide some basic info about themselves, and share links to their social accounts.

Your obligation

Members will be required to participate in governance. Failure to do so may result in their membership getting revoked. In future iterations, members will automatically lose their voting eligibility if they are inactive for at least six months.

Proposal Flow

Forum Discussion

A proposal starts on the Denom Governance Forum with an initial idea and a discussion.

First proposal draft

If the idea bears fruit and enough participants are interested, the proposal can be formalised into a first draft, following official Denom Proposal Templates.

Temp check & Review

The proposal draft gets reviewed by the Denom Governance Integrity Committee for additional feedback and receives an off-chain vote or ‘temperature check’ through wich community members can signal support.

On-chain proposal

Once the feedback has been incorporated and the proposal receives enough support, it can be formalised and put to vote through an on-chain proposal.

Proposal Types

Different proposals have different templates. For now, these will be text format templates, but we are intending to integrate Proposal Type functionality on-chain to allow for different ‘proposal execution tracks’.


These props are meant to signal an action Denom should take that is handled off-chain.

Approve new member

These props add a new member to the membership register.

Open parameter changes

These props change a ‘soft knob’ parameter in the Denom Monetary Algorithm.

Remove a member

These props remove a member from the membership register.

Approve new validator

These props add a new validator to the set.

Remove a validator

These props remove a validator from the set.

Chain Upgrades

These props manually update the Denom chain.

Voting Execution

Post proposal

A proposal is posted on-chain.

Voting period

A predefined voting period is opened for all eligible voters to cast their ballot.

Grace period

After the voting period closes, a Grace period opens where the proposal can still be halted if it violates The Denom Charter or is otherwise malicious in intent.
The Grace Period has a flexible voting period through a Wait-For-Quiet mechanism.


The proposal is executed.

Requirements before moving on to the next phase

Technical Testing

Technical Documentation

Technical Audit

Social Testing

User Manual